Tuesday 13 May 2008

Goodbye and thanks!

Well, after four years at Summersdale, 3 and a ahlf of those spent managing Summersdale Productions, the time has come to say my goodbyes! I will be leaving for pastures new at the end of May and want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has supported Summersdale over the last 4 years. The company has gone from strength to strength and now has the enviable position as the finest producer of martial arts books and DVDs in the UK.

There are plenty of new books and DVDs in the pipeline for you all to enjoy so keep your eyes peeled!

The blog will be passed on to someone else in the team so feel free to email any comments or questions to the usual address.


Wednesday 30 April 2008

Seni 2008 - A great weekend was had by all!

Well, another year, another Seni over! We had a fantastic weekend chatting martial arts with everybody. It was great to see so many familiar faces and to meet so many new people. We had a great time on the stand and had appearances from some great artists: British Judo coach Mike Liptrot, Mo Teague, Michael Page and Robbie Hughes (Combat 32), Daniel Harrison (Combat 32 organiser), Shihan Chris Rowen, Rocky Sondhi, Goran Powell (author of Waking Dragons), Gavin Mulholland (author of the incredible Four Shades of Black), Matthew Mills (author of Mind, Body Metamorphosis) and many more - it was really good!

These are some of the highlights:

* Having Team Resurrection put on an impromptu show next to the stand to commemorae the launch of the new Combat 32 DVD - thanks to Joe and the boys.
* The impromptu Chi Sau workshop at the end of saturday, hosted by Alan Gibson.
* A trip round the Bruce Lee museum - Amazing!
* Chatting with the MAI and MArtial Edge crew!
* Having a beer at the end of day 1! It was much needed!

So it was a great weekend - but soooooooooooooooo tiring!

Let me know if there are any questions you want to ask our artists, I will endeavour to get them answered for you - nick@summersdale.com